CD: Maria-Mercè Marçal. Catorze poemes, catorze cançons (‘Maria-Mercè Marçal. Fourteen poems, fourteen songs’)

To mark ten years since Marçal’s death, in 2008, Enric Hernàez and Heura Marçal decided to invite a host of artists to put the writer’s poems to music. The CD was given away with the Avui newspaper for Sant Jordi in 2010.


Musicians of different styles and generations perform fourteen poems by Maria-Mercè Marçal, one of the most important poetic voices in the history of Catalan literature. With Toti Soler, Mercè Serramalera, Marga Bufí, Jabier Muguruza, Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Maria Cinta, Gerard Quintana, Guillermina Motta, Lídia Pujol, Marina Rossell, Maria del Mar Bonet, Túrnez i Sesé, Txiki Berraondo and Anna Subirana, and Teresa Rebull.

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The Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation organises a host of one-off and regular activities linked to the author and the issues that interested her, which are listed in the Foundation’s purposes.

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