
Maria-Mercè Marçal literary route to Ivars d’Urgell

In 2021, the Marçal literary route was inaugurated in Ivars d’Urgell, the town where the poet was originally from. Thanks to the thirteen physical panels located on the streets of the village and on the web platform, you will be able to trace the most important points of Marçal’s life linked to Ivars and access photographs, songs and other materials. The route can be done on foot or by bike, for free or with a guided tour, if you are a group.

We want to do the guided tour of the route



Maria-Mercè Marçal literary route to Sant Boi de Llobregat

In 2018, Sant Boi de Llobregat commemorated the 20th anniversary of Marçal’s death with “Sant Boi remembers Maria-Mercè Marçal”, a series of events to preserve and spread the poet’s legacy. In this framework, and as a result of the work of a group of students in the proficiency level of the 2017-2018 academic year of the CPNL, this route was created, which aims to show the writer’s connection with Sant Boi and, at the same time, give to know outstanding aspects of his life and work.


We want to do the guided tour of the route

La Fundació Maria-Mercè Marçal duu a terme diferents activitats puntuals o periòdiques vinculades amb l’autora o amb els temes que la interessaven, que es recullen en les finalitats de la Fundació.

La Fundació està oberta a rebre propostes de projectes que segueixin aquestes línies i difon totes les activitats que es duen a terme sobre Maria-Mercè Marçal.

Vull rebre informació sobre les activitats de la FMMM

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foto mafoto ma amb poema

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