Art i edició en l’obra de Maria-Mercè Marçal (‘Art and publishing in the work of Maria-Mercè Marçal’)

As part of the First Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, Marta Areny and Heura Marçal put together an exhibition on plastic artists’ collaborations in Marçal’s work, held at the Vapor Badia Library in Sabadell. The panels, which displayed photographs of the artists’ work and texts describing their collaboration, were distributed across a sculpture-structure of cardboard boxes, so that visitors had to walk around the installation to see the exhibition. Artists: Antoni Tàpies, Josep Uclés, Maria Girona, Montserrat Ginesta i Viladecans.

Des del cos, Maria-Mercè Marçal (‘From the body, Maria-Mercè Marçal’)

To accompany the Second Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, Palau Robert hosted Isabel Segura’s exhibition of photographs of Marçal taken by renowned photographers Pilar Aymerich, Colita and Montserrat Manent.

No volem que la revolució ens neixi morta. Maria-Mercè Marçal. Acció feminista i política (1975-1985) (‘We don’t want the revolution to be born dead. Maria-Mercè Marçal. Feminist and political action (1975-1985)’)

At the time of the Third Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, held at the University of Valencia, an exhibition was organised on the more political side of Maria-Mercè Marçal. The five large panels that made up the exhibition, designed by the Centre for Women and Literature and BPDisseny, were made of foam board (180 x 120 cm) and hung on the walls. As part of the Correllengua campaign to promote the use of the Catalan language, the panels have been printed onto canvas and toured around the Catalan Countries. They have also been requested by Gavà Town Council for International Women’s Day events.

Maria-Mercè Marçal. Manuscrits (‘Maria-Mercè Marçal. Manuscripts’)

To celebrate Poetry Week at the Les Corts Exhibition Space, Barcelona City Council and the Foundation commissioned BPDisseny to create an exhibition based on a selection of manuscripts of Maria-Mercè Marçal’s work, which were then displayed next to the final printed pieces. The exhibition shed light on the phases of the literary creation process, through the poet’s handwritten changes and annotations on the manuscripts.

Dolor de ser i no ser tu: desig (‘The pain of being and not being you: desire’)

As part of the Sixth Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, Mireia Calafell, Heura Marçal and Marta Font invited seven young artists from various disciplines to dialogue with Marçal’s work at the Felícia Fuster Foundation. The result: seven pieces of art displayed together at this exhibition. Artists: Ruth Cepedano, Marla Jacarilla, Nadia Sanmartin, Octavi Serra, Mateu Targa, Andrea Torres Balaguer and Laura Torres Bauzà.

The Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation organises a host of one-off and regular activities linked to the author and the issues that interested her, which are listed in the Foundation’s purposes.

The Foundation is open to receiving project proposals along these lines and will advertise all activities relating to Maria-Mercè Marçal.


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