These conferences, held every two years, have been running for some time now. They focus on the life and work of Maria-Mercè Marçal both from an academic perspective, through an intimate congress attended by scholars and specialists from all over the world, and from a more creative point of view, with exhibitions, recitals and other activities that run parallel to the main conference. Each edition attempts to look at the work and figure of Marçal from a new perspective (politics, translation, tradition, art, etc.) and extend the geographical reach of her work (conferences have taken place in Sabadell, Barcelona, Valencia, Girona, Cambridge and Lleida). The conference proceedings are collected in the Quaderns de la FMMM.


I Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘Llavor de cant, lluita en saó’ (‘Seed of song, fertile struggle’), May 2007

II Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘Saba vella per a les fulles noves’ (‘Old sap for new leaves’), December 2008

III Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘Ja no sé pas on són els meus confins’ (‘I no longer know where my confines are’), November 2010

IV Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘I en el foc nou d’una altra llengua’ (‘And in the new fire of another tongue’)’, November 2012

V Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘Líquid esglai: desglaç’ (‘Liquid fear: thaw’), November 2014

VI Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘Dolor de ser i no ser tu: desig’ (‘The pain of being and not being you: desire’), November 2016

VII Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference, ‘Al vent les algues lliures’ (‘To the wind the free algae’), November 2018




I would like to make a proposal for the Maria-Mercè Marçal Conference

The Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation organises a host of one-off and regular activities linked to the author and the issues that interested her, which are listed in the Foundation’s purposes.

The Foundation is open to receiving project proposals along these lines and will advertise all activities relating to Maria-Mercè Marçal.


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