Film: Ferida arrel: Maria-Mercè Marçal (Wounded root: Maria-Mercè Marçal)

In 2011, film director Fran Ruvira contacted the Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation with an interesting proposal: to invite women directors to make short films about Marçal’s work or life, in collaboration with the Plató de Cinema film school.  The result is a collaboratively made film that premièred in June 2012 at the 20th edition of the International Women’s Film Festival, at the Filmoteca de Catalunya. It is made up of 22 pieces that aim to translate Marçal’s world into images.

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The Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation organises a host of one-off and regular activities linked to the author and the issues that interested her, which are listed in the Foundation’s purposes.

The Foundation is open to receiving project proposals along these lines and will advertise all activities relating to Maria-Mercè Marçal.


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Main Imagepica amb mirall i ma- poema

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